The dog broke multiple bongs this week

My best neighbor plus her guy got into a fight, so she moved into our apartment.

A few weeks later, her guy came back into the picture plus they started seeing each other again.

I didn’t suppose it was a fantastic idea, although I didn’t want to tell our best neighbor that I thought the guy was excruciating news. Unblessedly it has been 1 problem after another since they got back together. Half the time the guy spends the night in our condo plus he doesn’t help with the rent or the utilities. If the guy is here more than four afternoons a week taking a shower, cooking dinner, seeing TV, plus using the electricity plus internet, then he should be paying some of the bills in our opinion. The guy also has a big dog that isn’twell behaved. I appreciate dogs, so I try not to complain when the guy brings his dog to visit. Three times this week, the dog broke a glass bong in the house. My friends plus I all use recreational marijuana. It is 1 of the ways that the two of us relax after a long day. The first time the bong was broken, our neighbor plus I were standing on the couch smoking marijuana out of the bowl. The dog came barreling around the corner plus off the bone on the floor. I didn’t say much, because I suppose that accidents can happen. The hour time the dog knocked over a bong it was because he was running around the apartment appreciate a crazy Cujo dog. I told our roommate that her guy needed to spend money to replace the broken bong plus she thought I was being unadequate. When the fifth marijuana bong broke due to the dog, I was at the end of our rope.


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