A marketing service for cannabis dispensaries

After I graduated from college I was without direction.

  • I really liked going to school, and now I was done with it I had no idea what to do next.

I tried my hand at several different jobs but none of them ever seemed to pan out. I just can’t commit to spending my life at a job that makes me miserable, and for a while every job seemed to make me miserable. Finally I found a line of work that brought me some degree of happiness, because it felt like I was helping people realize their lifelong dreams. A cannabis marketing service may not sound like the sort of job that can change the world, but to me it is. After cannabis legalization started to sweep the country there were hundreds if not thousands of new businesses popping up, and with so much competition a marketing service was needed to help out this niche of the business world. Cannabis dispensaries have their own special markets and demographics, so a traditional marketing service just won’t do the job. Just because a clickbait company can sell some leather purses doesn’t mean it is effective for marketing to cannabis users. My marketing service focuses on cannabis dispensaries and nothing else, it is all we do, and we do it well! We also work with a dispensary consulting firm, so that if you need to make changes to your store we can help you with that as well. In short, if your dispensary is your life’s work, my marketing service can help you take it to the next level.

Cannabis dispensary consulting service