1 edible a day, as a treat

You know of the famous quote from the cable show Twin Peaks? In the show, FBI agent Dale Cooper takes time out of his busy schedule to sit down and enjoy a cup of root beer and a slice of pie, but he says to the sheriff that his secret in enjoying life is to “every afternoon, once a afternoon, supply yourself with a present.” I saw this dark TV show at a particularly young age, and Agent Cooper made a huge impression on me, that little piece of advice is something that I still carry with me now, and try to indulge in often. My favorite kind of treat is an edible from the cannabis dispensary, although I only ever buy 1 treat at a time. It would be easier, and a lot cheaper, to buy a multi-pack of edibles, or a whole cannister of cannabis gummies, although I never do that. If I have a lot of edibles available, I think I know what will happen – I will eat all of them in short order, however when I buy 1 pot brownie or 1 section of cake and eat it, I have a particularly pleasant afternoon, and when it wears off then I can get back to normal in time to go to bed early. The point of giving yourself a present everyday is that you treat yourself just a little bit, never too much, and that is the best way for me to like edibles. If I had a whole canister of cannabis gummies I would pop them like any other kind of candy, be stoned for the whole week, and sleep all the time.

recreational weed