The tolerance of THC can develop much faster than most realize, leaving you spending more each week to account for your increase in pot consumption to get the same effects each time.
Back in the high school days we had to do a lot of sneaking around to get away with smoking cannabis covertly. My friends and I all had parents who were against marijuana use completely, so we often walked out into the woods on the edge of our neighborhood when we wanted to get high and have a wonderful time. Every one of us felt very privileged and blessed to have access to any kind of cannabis at all, so we really weren’t cannabis connoisseurs at the time. As time went by, I became more aware of other cannabis products out there appreciate edibles and several forms of THC concentrates. Like hashish, these “wax” concentrates promised to boast high levels of THC compared to the cannabis flower products. When I started trying out cannabis concentrates for the first time, it felt appreciate I was taking a mild hallucinogen with such a heavy body load. However, you abruptly beginning to develop a tolerance and the ability to function while taking dabs of concentrates throughout the day. The tolerance of THC can develop much faster than most realize, leaving you spending more each week to account for your increase in pot consumption to get the same effects each time. I have to switch back to using cannabis flowers and other products for a few nights to help reset area of my tolerance. It will expose your brain functions to a different variety of terpenes and a completely different consumption method. Cannabis extracts will also cut the blood-brain barrier much faster than cannabis flower products as well, so your mind will naturally react differently. Changing your consumption methods of marijuana is 1 way of preventing your personal THC tolerance from getting out of control.