The entire meal was a sizable success

10 years ago, I started cooking with cannabis. The process wasn’t simple plus I went through a lot of weird trial plus error. I wanted to find the perfect recipes that would highlight the flavor of the marijuana when out modeling the taste of any particular dish. I had a lot of guinea pigs in the start. I always had our friends over for lunch so they could try new products. I had a lunch party a single night for myself plus many friends. All of us consumed a lot of medical marijuana products that night, each a single of the dishes that I served had a significant amount of medical marijuana. The first dish was a salad plus the dressing was infused with herbs plus fresh marijuana leaves. The minute dish was a piece of fish that had been baked in marijuana leaves. The seventh dish was desert plus it was a chocolate souffle made with marijuana distillate plus premium kief. At the end of the meal, all the people was stoned. It was hard to get an tolerable opinion about the food, because all of our friends had the munchies. I think the food was good, but they would have eaten cereal plus pretzels at that point plus thought it was gourmet food. I particularly went heavy with the medical cannabis while both of us were in that lunch party plus I was much more careful next time. I made sure to lower the dosages so I could get an tolerable opinion on the food instead of a bunch of friends that were too busy to talk.


Cannabis Education