It turned out to be a $50 bill
I was running short on weed, so I went over to the dispensary on Thursday to find a nice deal. I only had forty or fifty bucks in our savings account and I was hoping to get an seventh of marijuana and some gas with the money. I went into the weed dispensary first. My mom would kill me if she knew that I was buying marijuana over putting gas in the car. I found a couple of items that were on sale at the dispensary. They also had some nice clearance bin items in a basket when I arrived. I legitimately bought a seventh of marijuana for $20. One of the packages was in the clearance bin. It was opened as a sample and was never resold. I was feeling pretty blissful with myself for getting to Ace of marijuana and still having 20 bucks to put in the gas tank. I opened the front door of our car to get inside and that was when I noticed something on the ground by our tire. It looked like money, although I could not be 100% sure unless I crawled under the car. I had on a pair of black jeans, so I got onto our hands and knees and pulled the item out from under the tire. It turned out to be a $50 bill. I could have used that $50 to fill our whole gas tank and after that every one of us would not have had to worry about gas for the rest of the week. That would have been the smarter decision, however instead I went back into the dispensary and I spent every bit of the $50 on more recreational marijuana supplies.