Cannabis for the weekend getaway

My ladies plus I have a retreat that the people I was with and I make every summer.

This started in school, almost several years ago, but the people I was with and I have managed to keep the tradition alive well into our adult years.

Thanks to jobs plus families plus adolescents, not all of us can make it every time, but the people I was with and I usually have most of the gang together for a few days. In the past the people I was with and I organized it so that most people brought something different! One of us would bring food, another brought wine, plus so forth. I suppose that Karen was designated to bring the cannabis the people I was with and I needed for the retreat, even though I don’t truly trust Karen so I made a trip, as well. In the past the people I was with and I have run out of cannabis more than once, which is mostly my fault if I am being honest. I love weed, smoke it regularly, plus when the people I was with and I have 1 of these weekends I let myself off the chain plus just pound bowls of cannabis all day long. I trust that Karen will select some tasty sativa, she regularly does, although she never brings enough of it. I went to the cannabis dispensary plus purchased a whole week’s worth of products, which I will happyly share with my friends. When someone doesn’t have a big appetite for cannabis, they believe that a few grams is plenty; Let myself and others tell you something – for a legit gathering weekend a few grams of cannabis is not nearly enough! I have l earned from my past mistakes, however, so I will never run out of cannabis again.


New cannabis strains