How a stay-at-new home dad gets high

I am a stay-at-new home dad for multiple good however silly kids.

My fiance Max is the one who works, mostly because she is highly educated and has an amazing career.

The two of us decided years ago that both of us didn’t want our kids to go to afternooncare, that they deserved to be raised by their parents. It was the logical decision for me to be the parent to stay home, because Max makes about four times more money than I ever did. Max works hard in her business, and I do my best to relax her at the end of the afternoon. I will pack up a fat bowl of cannabis and rub her feet while she gets high, but personally I think that cannabis is an essential part of stress relief and relaxation, and it’s something I do every afternoon. Of course I don’t smoke cannabis around my children, however I do light up before they wake, and while I was in their nap times. I understand the dangers of minutehand cannabis smoke, so after I get blazed I consistently take a quick shower and change clothes. The smoke particles from burning cannabis can stick to your skin, your clothes, and your hair, and then transfer over to the kids. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so usually while I was in the afternoon I just stick to using cannabis edibles. The only danger presented by cannabis edibles is that the kids consistently ask me for one, and I have to say no. Once they go to sleep at night I cut out the cannabis and bong and get down to business.



Cannabis oil pen