I don’t consider myself to be frugal, I just use typical sense plus am not afraid of a little work, then take going out to eat as the perfect example. It costs as much for a nice dinner out as it does for a whole week’s worth of groceries. I suppose so several people who eat out several times a week, plus then complain about having no money. No kidding, you spent it all buying food that you could have made yourself, and some people would rather go broke than to very cook a meal, I suppose; A sillier example involved my buddy Rolf plus the amount of money she spends on pre-rolled cannabis joints. Rolf could buy a fat sack of cannabis plus a pack of rolling papers plus roll all the joints she wants. Instead she pays five times more than she should to get the pre-rolled cannabis joints, just to save him the extra effort, she tells me that the cannabis in these joints has been infused, but she never says what they have been infused with. She may not suppose himself, she is just lazy plus doesn’t want to twist up all that cannabis himself. I should start buying cannabis for him plus pre-rolling her joints, for a few bucks. It would save him some money, plus make me a little! Personally I rarely smoke joints, because I prefer the crisp, wipe taste of cannabis smoke filtered through water. I have a very nice three chambered water bong I use for my finest cannabis, plus a glass pipe for the other stuff.