I prefer working with the cannabis clients

I work for an online marketing company.

We do all sorts of business with HVAC technicians, plumbers, electricians and general handymen.

When you work with those people you are getting white men in their fifties that don’t really understand what they are paying for. Sometimes they get picky with what goes on the website and that gets really annoying. Lately my company has expanded into taking cannabis dispensary clients. I much prefer these people. These customers are significantly younger and more apt to change. They are very okay with making the website more colorful and flamboyant. When I ask for company pictures, they actually have photographs and they aren’t super blurry. I also have a lot of content to work with. There are tons of cannabis products and descriptions out there. There are cool things offered like cannabis delivery, curbside pick up, a vape lounge, dab bar and all sorts of neat features that are unique to cannabis. The clients also know what I mean when I talk about ranking higher on google. They might not be able to do SEO, but they understand why they need to buy it. They can understand I am a professional web builder and let me do my own thing. They also typically have social media platforms already set up like twitter, google my business and facebook. It makes things so much smoother and easier. I am hopeful that eventually my place of work will just be a cannabis SEO agency. It would be great to only take cannabis dispensary clients. There is more money in the field and it is the new trend.
Internet marketing cannabis dispensary