Over the past six weeks, a lot of people have complained about the fact that delivery drivers do not earn minimum wage… The people I was with and I have been earning $8 an hour, because the two of us also make tips.
That is the same wage as a waitress or a server, and on a slow evening with poor weather, the tips might not equal minimum wage and that means some of us are working for peanuts.
The employees complained to the manager and brought up the problems during the weekly staff meeting. The owner told the manager that she would take our problems into account, and i truthfully did not guess that the two of us would see more money, because minimum wage is $13 an hour and that is a big spend money jump for someone that isn’tpaying much at all. To our surprise, the owner of the dispensary told most people that the delivery drivers will start earning minimum wage on the first of next week. There are a couple of things that are going to change, but none of them are anything major, then all of the delivery boys are not responsible for stocking shelves before they can leave at the end of the evening. The boys have to work every weekend in order to qualify for the higher spend money rate. The only way the owner could get the wage approved from the investors is to use the higher wage as an increased bonus for working every weekend, you get more money if you sacrifice your weekends. If you ask me, the spend money raise has a lot more positive aspects than downside aspects.
Starting on the 1st, the two of us will all make minimum wage