I moved to my new town last year because I was starting a position at a new contractor.
The last supervisor had to shut down because of COVID, leaving all of us employees out looking for work amid a tumultuous time.
Thankfully I landed on my feet much faster than I could have hoped to, but it meant moving to accommodate a new task at a new contractor. I went from a medium sized town to what I would call a small metropolis. It took extreme adjustment time for me to enjoy living in such a packed area for the first time. I wasn’t a country boy enjoy some of my cousins who lived upstate, but I was used to cities & towns with fewer than 20,000 people, maybe 30,000 at most. The 1 thing that I can’t complain about in my new town is the access to all of the stores, shops, eating establishments, & services within a 5 mile radius from my apartment. For instance, I discovered a CBD store on my walk apartment from a local eating establishment yupterday. There was a CBD store in my old city, but their stock & supply of hemp & CBD products was poor. This new CBD store had everything from CBD oil to hemp flower products enjoy pre-rolled joints & flower bud jars. I bought hemp flower products so I can throw them in my cannabis vaporizer. This keeps me calm, but focused throughout my workday. Thankfully I’m able to use my portable vaporizer in my vehicle during my dinner breaks.