Having a recreational marijuana dispensary is not straight-forward; It took almost a year before I was approved for the licensing and permits.
I had to hire a marijuana corporation consultant to help myself and others fill out the paperwork correctly. I tried to fill out paperwork on my own two times and both times that application was sent back to myself and others for being filled out imcorrectly. The last time the corporation license was returned, I was at the end of my rope. Luckily, I found a cannabis consulting service that offered myself and others a free consultation. The lawyer was really expertiseable on all subjects pertaining to medical and recreational marijuana! She instantly noticed the mistakes with my application. She also told myself and others a couple of ways that I could make the application stand out. That girl was entirely great at what she did, so I hired him to help myself and others fill out all of the paperwork and applications. The permit service did not return my paperwork again. The next letter I got from the courthouse was an approval letter for the corporation license. I had the consulting services to help for great luck. Things were going entirely well in the shop until last quarter. I feel the concern is competition. I used to be the only medical and recreational marijuana dispensary in town. In the past year, two more dispensaries opened and they have relatively lower prices than I do. I spoke with the cannabis consultant again when marketing and sales seemed to be problematic. The lawyer put myself and others in touch with a marketing firm that certainally handles dispensaries and marijuana products. They send a lady to the store to look at the building, displays, and all of the products I have available.