Free samples from local cannabis dispensary

My friends and I got the idea for a Stoner Movie Festival near the end of the COVID quarantine, at the time we had been cooped up for a while with no social interaction, and we want to welcome civilization back with a bang! Late one evening, while honestly stoned and a little drunk, we started kicking around ideas for a film festival that would only show films about cannabis, it would be held outdoors, so that all the people present could smoke medical cannabis as they enjoyed the films without violating any indoor smoking laws.

We set up a digital projector in the yard, with a largewhite screen tied up between several palm trees, then set up a table for all the different kinds of medical cannabis we would have.

It was displayed as a “BYOMC” or “bring your own medical cannabis” however we wanted to have some extra supplies on hand. In a stroke of luck, the owner of the local cannabis dispensary gave us a box of free samples to hand out, along with fliers for the business. This was perfect, because we ended up with a whole punchbowl filled with multiple cannabis gummies and edibles. We had almost a hundred people show up, and we all sat on blankets on the lawn, smoking medical cannabis, eating gummies, and enjoying some amazing films. We were out on the lawn until after 2 am before the last visitors went home, and at that point we had eaten all the cannabis gummies and smoked all the weed. I’d call it a rousing success.


medical weed store near me