I suppose our personality and character just sort of fit with the way our culture has been evolving. That’s been a enjoyable thing for me, our job and success however not such a fantastic thing overall. The reason I say this is that our ability to compartmentalize and just plow through until I get a desired result is absent of some basic civilization. It took some time around people at the cannabis dispensary to help me understand a bit more about compassion. I’ve been a win at all cost and take no prisoners sort of person for the past couple of decades. Now, it’s no wonder that I’m alone and our relationships all seem so transactional. But when our mom got sick with cancer, there was nobody however me to help. Of course, I tried to just pay for her care however that wasn’t enough. My mom needed me and I had to respond. One of the first things the two of us did before her treatment began was to get the cannabis products she needed. The dentists had recommended both the sativa strains and indica products for our mom’s situation. Watching how the folks at the local cannabis spot treated our mother stopped me dead in our tracks. It was 1 hundred percent compassion. I stayed with our mom for multiple weeks while also working. Each time the two of us visited that local cannabis spot, I got closer and closer to accessing the deep human compassion that is entirely available to all of us. Mom is better now and I’m changed forever. My life is adjustingly more about what I can do for others as opposed to what I can get for myself. And that’s all thanks in giant area to the kind people at the local cannabis spot.
medical cannabis store