I had terrible pain in my knees and my back and I didn’t think anything was ever going to be able to help the pain.
- I took lots of over-the-counter pills that the doctor prescribed.
Some of them provided temporary relief and others made me feel frightened that I would become addicted. I was still a young person and I did not want to be dependent on a pain pill for the rest of my life. When I found out that cannabis was available for me, I spoke with the doctor in great detail. The doctor recommended me to a specialist that had the ability to prescribe medical marijuana. The doctor suggested starting with cannabis edibles. Cannabis edibles are easy to dose and they come in a variety of flavors like orange, lemon, coca-cola, root beer, and raspberry. There are hard candies, gummies, and lots of tinctures and elixirs. Dosing with the cannabis edibles is easy, because the packages are all marked. I started out with a low dose of 5 mg of THC. The cannabis edibles work easy to find in 5 mg strength. They were also easy to find in 10 and 20 mg strength. I started with a very low dose and I continue to use a low dose cannabis edible to help with the pain that I regularly feel in my back and my knees. I’ve added a small amount of CBD to my day as well and that has helped with pain and inflammation too. I haven’t been upset with any of the products that I have purchased from the cannabis dispensary.