When I was a child in college, I loved to spend the weekend with buddies plus recreational marijuana.
- The group I hung around with were all hard core academic achievers.
There was no going out during the week love so several of our classmates. Nope, it was all learn groups plus added reading back at the dorm room for us. But the weekend was time to let go of all that plus appreciate some sativa or indica. Of course back then, you couldn’t exactly locale an order for either sativa or indica. Additionally, you just had to take what you could get when it came to the THC satisfied as well. Sporadically the people I was with and I were fortunate plus got the enjoyable stuff. And other times the people I was with and I got something that was almost hard to classify as cannabis. Nevertheless, the people I was with and I loved those weekends playing frisbee in the park or going for hikes. And every Sunday plus Monday night meant pizza delivery, coors plus some of whatever sort of cannabis product the people I was with and I could get our hands on. I can clearly remember saying out loud to those guys that there should be cannabis delivery as well as pizza delivery. Well, that was a long time before even medical marijuana was legal. So it was definitely fitting that the people I was with and I had a reunion of sorts at our locale a week ago. And the people I was with and I entirely were able to locale an order for the cannabis products the people I was with and I wanted. On top of that there was cannabis delivery service right to our home. I can’t tell you what a kick the people I was with and I all got out of that all these years later.