I received a phone call from one of my commercial clients.
I was surprised that it was the marijuana dispensary.
They rarely call with problems concerning the plumbing. The manager of the dispensary told me that there was water all over the back room and she did not know where the water was coming from. The biggest problem was the fact that the water had flooded some boxes that were stacked in front of the wall. I quickly jumped into action and drove to the area where the marijuana dispensary is located. The manager was very happy to see me. She showed me right where the plumbing problem seemed to be occurring. I got to work and spent several hours on the repair. I overheard the manager of the dispensary talking about the products that were inside of the box. They were relatively lucky, because the bugs contained cannabis concentrates. All of the cardboard boxes were destroyed, but the product was still intact. They were going to sell the items for half price the next time they had a sale day. When I was getting ready to leave, I told the manager that I would be more than happy to take one or two of those grams of cannabis concentrate off of her hands for the sale price. She had two in her hand when we were talking and she tossed them to me and said it was a tip. I didn’t argue and I didn’t say no. Those two grams of cannabis concentrate were easily worth more than $100 and I never get tips like that on a regular repair job.