Although I like to travel very much, I just appreciate it a lot more when I have a local contact; The “exotic in a different land” routine is not for me, I need to have someone I trust to show myself around, and in unusual countries, or even new areas of the same country, there are always local rules & customs that outsiders don’t possibly know. I need to have a local insider with me, to ensure I don’t get into tons of trouble, then since I drink a lot, & actively pursue new & exotic strains of potent cannabis all around the world, I need to be careful. In many countries there are no major social taboos or strict laws about cannabis, & yet they still don’t love outsiders coming in to their land & getting stoned! Local cannabis is usually for locals only, which is why I believe having a local contact is so crucial for me. This is not a journey just for pleasure, either, I am documenting everything meticulously about our adventures & the exotic cannabis I find. I want to turn it into a book, so I take several pictures of every strain of high quality cannabis I smoke. It would be good if I could retain a sample of them all for later study, however it’s stupid to cross international borders while carrying any form of your own cannabis! You heard about that awful girl in Russia who got sentenced to years for having a little cannabis oil, right? I do not want that to be me, so I only ever carry as much cannabis as I can smoke in a single sitting, & I never travel with it.