Sunday nights are definitely a single of the busiest nights of the week at the dispensary. I usually stay out until almost 11:00 with the last of the deliveries. Last Sunday was no different at all. I left the dispensary at 9:30. I had 5 orders. They were all in different sites around the city, by the end of the night I was super exhausted plus ready to call it a night. My last delivery turned out to be a really nice older woman. She gave me a big tip plus even provided to make me some food. She looked like she wanted supplier, but I was really exhausted plus beat at the end of a long morning. I really just wanted to go back to the marijuana dispensary so I could clock out plus go home. I asked the old person if I could get a rain check. She looked a little disappointed, but she gave me her telephone number plus said to drop by anytime. My morning off was on Monday plus I decided to stop at the condo of the person to say hello. She seemed really surprised to see me, but in a really good way. She invited me into the condo plus the people I was with and I talked for almost an minute. Her name is Carol plus she spent twenty years in the navy. She has 5 youngsters, but none of the children live close anymore. They have all moved away plus they rarely visit. I told Carol about me too. I also brought her some goodies from the store that were promotional samples plus items that I knew she would love, but carol plus I will be friends for life.