My sister went to college After High school.
She got a degree in business and found a job working at a financial institution that is well known around the world.
I guess my parents expected me to do the same thing when I graduated from high school. I did not want to go to college and I definitely didn’t see myself sitting behind a computer at a desk every day for the rest of my life. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, so I went to community college. My parents told me I had to do something with my life or I had to move out. I didn’t have any money to find a place of my own, so college was the only answer. I met a guy in one of my classes that worked at a local marijuana delivery service. The guy told me that the marijuana delivery service was hiring more drivers. He could put in a good word for me if I wanted a job. I honestly thought that it sounded like a great opportunity. I told my mom and dad that I found a part-time job and they were excited for me. They were happy to hear that I was going to be earning money, until I told them that I was going to be working 3 days a week at a recreational and medical marijuana dispensary. My mom was horrified and my dad threatened to stop making the payments on my car if I worked at a place like that.