Switching to smokeless

My first daughter Kasey changed my life.

It took me a while to appreciate how important she was, because there was a long period of adjustment.

When you have kids you have to change your life entirely. When you have a lot of vices and bad habits like I did, the adjustment period can feel like hell. I always loved my daughter from first sight, don’t think otherwise, but she made me realize I had to be a better person and I sort of resented her for that at first. I used to smoke pounds of medical cannabis, and drain a handle of gin twice a week. With my daughter in the picture I knew that medical marijuana needed to take a back seat. I didn’t have to stop smoking medical marijuana entirely, but I could never smoke it around her, or inside the house or the car. The secondhand smoke from medical marijuana is just as damaging to young lungs as tobacco smoke. I know that there is a huge push about medical marijuana being totally safe and non-addictive, but the bottom line is that smoke is harmful to young lungs. Instead I decided to find another way to get high, and thankfully the local medical cannabis store had a lot of options for me. I decided to start with cannabis gummies, because they are easy to hide. The last thing I would want is for the kid into my cannabis gummies thinking they were treats for her! I also have become a huge fan of cannabis drinks and teas.


medical cannabis