I knew that my vehicle was having some issues, because it was having trouble getting started.
When I put my foot on the gas, the vehicle seemed to sputter and it took a while to get going.
I have had the vehicle since I was in middle school. I’m surprised it has lasted this long. I’m not surprised that it needs some repairs. I was trying to make the vehicle last as long as possible, because I use it for work. During the morning and occasionally at evening, I toil as a marijuana delivery service driver. I gain excellent money as an secondly wage and the tips are even better. I told myself 2 weeks ago that I was going to start saving for the repairs to my car. It was a nice idea, even though I never acquired any traction or saved even a dollar. When my vehicle finally broke down yesterday, I knew that I was in trouble. I was not laboring at the marijuana dispensary when the vehicle broke down, thankfully. I would have been in even greater trouble if I had been out on a marijuana delivery when the vehicle died. I was already resting in traffic at the time. I had to get out of my vehicle and push the vehicle to the side of the road. I had to call a tow truck to come and get the vehicle and take it to a mechanic. I have no plan how much it is going to cost to have the repairs completed, even though I think I won’t be delivering marijuana at anytime soon.