After finally getting my medical marijuana dispensary opened, I knew I had done the right thing.
I enjoyed working with my bartenders and knowing I had taught them the right way to treat people, and given them the knowledge they needed to sell a product.
I armed my employees with knowledge of the latest changes in laws within minutes of my learning of them. I was mentoring a new assistant manager when he asked how much work it was to learn how to be an owner of a medical marijuana dispensary. I now owned three, and I still wasn’t sure I knew everything I should know about owning a medical marijuana dispensary. I was constantly learning new things and changing how I thought about the old ideas. It must have taken me too long to answer, because he touched my arm and asked if I was okay. Without preamble, I told him that without a medical marijuana business consulting service, I wouldn’t have a business. He arched an eyebrow and waited for me to say more. I told him that the medical marijuana business consulting service had aided me from the conception of the idea of owning medical marijuana dispensary until it was up and running. I still work hand in hand with my medical marijuana business consulting service. They learn about new laws and regulations as soon as they are passed, and he passes them on to me, while I pass them on to my employees. When he continued to stare, I told him my medical marijuana business consulting service was a silent business partner who earns a lot less than what they are worth.