I tried the peach and grape flavors of the cannabis concentrate

My wife and I met some new friends.

They like to play cards and dice just like the two of us.

We have been hanging out with them on the weekends. Sometimes we play Rummy or Farkle and sometimes we play other games that are interesting and fun. Last weekend we went to hang out with our friends. We went to their house for the evening. Jack made ribs on the grill and we had macaroni and potato salad. It was a very delicious meal and easy to eat outside on the patio. Jack had the canopy set up outside and plenty of lights so we could see our games. Jack had another surprise for me. He went to a cannabis shop earlier that week when he was in the city for work. Jack picked up some cannabis concentrates and he was waiting until the weekend so we could try them together. The cannabis concentrate products were a thick sweet Elixir that was the consistency of pancake syrup. It was very easy to dose, because there was a graduated line on the side of the bottle. Jack had Peach and grape flavors. I decided to try the peach and Jack tasted the grape. My friend gave me a healthy dose of 50 mg and he took a healthy dose of 50 mg as well. Both of us are everyday smokers, so there is absolutely no reason not to go for a bigger dose than recommended on the bottle. I didn’t feel anything for the first 30 minutes, but after an hour I was totally stoned.
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