I was in a excruciating automobile accident a few years ago, i got side swiped plus truly injured our neck plus back, however at first I thought I would just bounce back.
I did physical therapy, got massages plus started working out! Something major was disfigured inside of me though. I get tight every night when I sleep, however when I wake up I can hardly move, however turning our head is painful plus I hobble around like a hunchback, but friends of mine were all pushing me to get on pain pills, no way. I didn’t want anything addicting going into our system. I needed relief though. The morning to morning pain was getting to be too much. After some research I found that medical cannabis was the solution. The number one reason people become medical weed patients is chronic pain relief; Did you feel that? I found a nurse that could get me a cannabis card. The whole process was simple, painless plus quite cheap. I found that the budtenders at the medical marijuana dispensary near me were amazing. They knew their stuff plus were good at recommending products to me. I truly didn’t want to be high all the time. I also didn’t want to start our morning smoking a pre-roll or taking a few hits off a bong. The budtender hooked me up with a vape. I have an oil cartridge that I load the night before. When I wake up, I take a few hits to loosen up. I relax in bed plus everything starts to feel better… By the time I am awake plus ready to start our morning, our muscles feel so good.