The marijuana joint completely burned a hole in the patio seat cushion

When I was much younger, my acquaintance as well as I were hanging out at my residence.

My buddy and I were at the pool as well as it was the middle of the warm season.

It was actually tremendously hot outside as well as my sibling as well as I were entertaining some good buddies. My parents were both at work as well as they trusted us to make the most excellent decisions while they were away. My sibling as well as I never actually got into any major trouble, which is likely the reason why my parents didn’t mind if my pal and I had a bunch of good pals over for swimming. One of my friends brought a current guy as well as that guy had marijuana. He asked if he could smoke marijuana outside as well as I didn’t want to look like an unreasonable host, so I said yup. I asked the guy if he would smoke outside in the yard instead of close to the residence. When I went into the apartment to get a few beers, the guy came over to the porch section to get a lighter. The marijuana joint was still lit as well as an ember from the joint fell on the patio seat cushion as well as burned a huge hole in it. The ember from the marijuana joint went through the plastic as well as the foam padding relatively quickly. I had to pour beer on the cushion to put out the fire. My parents were extremely aggravated when they saw the seat in the cushion. My sibling as well as I acted like my pal and I didn’t know what they were talking about as well as neither one of us ever told them the honest truth about that day as well as how the cushion developed a hole.


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