I totally lost track of time in the shopping mall

My friends and I went to the marijuana dispensary on 420 and we picked out a lot of genuinely cool products. I obtained some items that I might not purchase usually because they are genuinely extravagant. One final product that I purchased was an infused marijuana pre roll. The marijuana pre-roll was free with any purchase. I decided to smoke the marijuana pre-roll on Thursday before I went to the mall. I had to find a gift for my Dad for her anniversary and I also had to find a gift for my sister, then her birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks. I smoked all of that marijuana pre-roll before I went into the mall. I sat in my automobile and smoked all of the pleasures of the one gram joint. I was supposed to spend about an hour in the mall and then meet my girl for lunch in the food court; however, unfortunately I also lost track of time and completely forgot about my woman. My cellphone was in my purse and I did not answer any of her calls or texts. She was finally genuinely aggravated when I didn’t show up on time, however there was simply nothing that I could do. After I smoked the pre-rolled marijuana cigarette, I also lost track of time. I wandered in and out of all the uncommon shops and time was the last thought on my mind. I didn’t realize that I had forgotten about my girl and lunch until it was nearly an hour past the time we were supposed to meet.



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