Author: Ellis

The free preroll was an indica hybrid

When the cannabis shop started offering free delivery services, they sent a message to everyone on the mailing list! If you ordered $100 worth of marijuana supplies for delivery, you received a free pre-roll with your order, then the special was going to occur throughout the entire week. I ordered from the delivery cannabis service […]

Medical marijuana was a last resort.

I was thinking about the option of using medical marijuana. I had been having a lot of difficulty with my neck ever since I had broken it. The dentist did surgery, but it didn’t help with the pain. When I looked into medical marijuana, I realized how extravagant it was going to be, so I […]

Medical marijuana was a last resort.

I was thinking about the opportunity of using medical marijuana. I had been having a lot of difficulty with my neck ever since I had broken it. The medical professional did surgery, however it didn’t help with the pain. When I looked into medical marijuana, I realized how high-priced it was going to be, so […]

CBD topical for arthritis

My mother has genuinely bad arthritis in his hands; His fingers swell up to almost double the size, then he can no longer wear rings as well as has to treat his arthritis day to day; Gin soaked raisins are a genuinely great way to split down on the pain levels; My mother hates the […]

Need to vape CBD to relieve my anxiety

I have developed a bit of anxiety. I suppose it sounds stupid, but wedding planning has been difficult on me. I am researching as well as paying for all the wedding stuff. I also am doing it for the honeymoon, after party as well as I have toil on top of that. All the choices, […]