Author: Ellis

The weed co-op needed a nicer website

My friend Jim and I have been residing on the mountainside for the past 50 years. My associate and I were growing marijuana on these hills long before anyone else thought of prohibiting the plant. Even after the local laws prohibited cannabis, Jim and I still continued to cut the law. When Jim and I […]

The poor cannabis delivery driver got lost.

I knew I lived in another section of the city that didn’t have a wonderful address, however I thought everyone knew where the section was. I didn’t want to go outside after dark, in addition to that when I got a condo from work half the year. I hated going outside during the afternoon because […]

I invited the marijuana delivery driver to the party.

I seldom invite strangers into my house, but the marijuana delivery driver wasn’t a stranger to me. I had been getting a marijuana delivery to my house at least once a week for the last year. Ever since they legalized recreational marijuana, I had been putting in an order whenever I got paid. I enjoyed […]