Trying to grow my own marijuana is hard

To be clear, I did not buy this land so that I could grow pot.

I wanted this land for a lot of different reasons, but now that I own it, I will certainly start trying to grow some plants.

Why shouldn’t I? I have three hundred empty acres out here, just fields and forests, and a few little ponds scattered here and there. Nearby the main house is an old greenhouse. It needed some repairs, but once I got it fixed up it was perfect as an incubator to get some cannabis plants going. First of all I have to say that I thought it would be a lot easier to cultivate marijuana. I mean they call it weed because it grows everywhere, so why did most of my cannabis plants die before they even started? It didn’t really matter, because I had an open account with my old cannabis dispensary to have my stuff mailed to me. I wasn’t going to run out of cannabis to smoke, but I was increasingly determined to get my own plants to work. Since I could grow my own marijuana, I wanted to do it! It would ultimately save me hundreds of dollars spent at the cannabis dispensary, although this wasn’t about money it was about doing something on my own. I can’t farm, or fish, or hunt, or even start a fire without matches, so I would like to be able to say I was capable of growing my own marijuana. It would make me feel like more a “real man” as silly as that sounds.


recreational pot store near me

I shouldn’t assume that all senior citizens are against weed

I didn’t seem at all comfortable about throwing away any marijuana, even if it was ditch weed, however she insisted

When the pandemic hit, I was in between homes, my bestie had kicked myself and others out, as well as I was trying to find another spot to crash when the quarantine went into effect. With no other location to turn, I went to our Grandmother’s home as well as asked her to take myself and others in… Then I knew it would be an adjustment, but I needed shelter as well as a location to sleep, as well as of course Grandmother had myself and others covered. My sixth day there, I went out onto the back patio to smoke some cannabis, and then my Grandmother walked out as well as sat down next to me. Much to our surprise, she pulled out a big, antique glass jar filled with light as well as fluffy yellow cannabis buds. I was smoking the garbage weed, but Grandmother blatantly had a hook up at the cannabis dispensary, because this was brand name stuff! I had heard about Purple Haze all our life, mostly thanks to rap music as well as Jimi Hendrix, but never saw it before, nonetheless smoked it! And grandmother chided myself and others for bringing such disgusting marijuana into her house, as well as insisted I throw it out as well as smoke her. I didn’t seem at all comfortable about throwing away any marijuana, even if it was ditch weed, however she insisted. “If you are staying with me, you will not partake of that kind of marijuana, around here every one of us also smoke the best cannabis.” It turns out Grandmother had a prescription for cannabis, as well as since her insurance covered it she went to the dispensary every single week for a new batch of chronic. I may live here for good!

medical cannabis

I won the prize pack worth 250.00

One of the cannabis shops in town had a raffle during the last two weeks.

Any time you spent $50 on products in the store, you got a ticket to enter a raffle for a prize basket worth over $250.

Some of the products included in the raffle were edible cannabis treats, cannabis concentrate, and dried cannabis flower. There were also some mystery items inside of the bag.I went to the cannabis shop several times during the raffle and I had five and three tickets in the contest. I didn’t know if that was a lot of tickets or not, and I didn’t really expect to win. When I received the telephone call from the manager of the dispensary, I was really surprised and happy that I didn’t let the call go to voicemail. The dispensary manager said that I was the winner and told me I could pick up my price basket anytime. I went to the dispensary as soon as I was finished with work that day. I picked up the basket and went home to check it out. On my way home, I called a friend of mine and told him that I won the contest. He was super jealous and agreed to meet me at my apartment so he could be there for the unveiling. The prize basket contains a lot of different cannabis items. In addition to the items that I was expecting, I also had several different pre-rolled marijuana cigarettes, stickers, pens, buttons, and t-shirts. The best item in the bag was a enail kit worth 100 bucks. There was close to $400 worth of merchandise in the bag.

Cannabis edibles

The driver was an old high school buddy of mine

My girlfriend and I visited a state where marijuana is legal for recreational and medical use.

While we were in town, we decided to order some items from a dispensary.

It seemed like a fun thing to do in a town with a dozen different cannabis shops, lounges, and even restaurants. My girlfriend and I were afraid to go to the dispensary, so we ordered from a place that delivered to our condo. I’m sure the neighbors had a lot to talk about on the night that the marijuana driver arrived with our supplies. Thankfully the car was not marked. It would have been embarrassing if that driver had arrived with a large, green, neon flashing sign on top of his car that said marijuana delivery. The driver from the dispensary turned out to be someone that I went to high school with. I recognized the guy immediately, even though the two of us had not seen each other in many years. We shook hands and spent a few minutes talking and catching up. It was very odd and strange to see the guy in an entirely different city and state, but it is an affirmation that the world is much smaller than we think. I got the guy’s number so we could keep in touch and he told me to call him if I needed any more products from the dispensary. My girlfriend and I didn’t order anything else, but I did contact the guy again before we left. I told him to look us up when he comes back to town for a visit.


Buy cannabis now

I kept my eyes open and my speed down the whole way home

I tried smoking pot for the first time a couple of months ago.

  • My older friends went to a recreational cannabis dispensary and I purchased some marijuana flower.

The dried flower is the form that most people recognize when they see cannabis products. I was hanging out with my friends and they cut out a large glass bong and filled the bottom with water. They put some of the flower inside the bowl on the side of the bong. When it was my turn to hit the bong, I didn’t want to say no and look like a tool in front of my friends. I took a small hit of the marijuana flower and I started to cough. I coughed and coughed for several minutes. I only took one hit off the marijuana bong, but I felt the effects. I suddenly felt very light headed and giggly. I couldn’t stop laughing at the things that my friends were saying. We spent about an hour listening to music and I barely remember any of our conversation. It was actually an enjoyable experience until I had to drive home. I couldn’t spend the night after using the marijuana products at my friend’s house and I had to drive back to my apartment. I knew that I was under the influence and impaired, but I thought I could make the 3 mile journey back home. I kept my eyes open and my speed down during the entire drive back to the house. I was paranoid and worried that the cops would swarm my car at any time, but I safely made it back to my driveway in one piece.


Girl scout cookies

I wanted to get my stuff and get out of there

Last Friday night, my friends and I went to a concert in the park.

Every Friday night during the summer months, the beach pavilion has free outdoor concerts for everyone.

You can bring lounge chairs or blankets and sit in the park to listen to the free music. My friends and I were particularly excited for the concert on Friday night, because it was someone famous. We wanted to arrive early so we could find a place to sit up front and close to the stage. On our way to the venue, Chad thought it would be a good idea to stop and buy some cannabis supplies for the evening. I thought it was a good idea too, and I purchased some edible cannabis treats. Chad picked out a disposable vape pen that was discrete and easy to carry. After we got to the park, Chad took out the pen and we all smoked a few hits from the device. I was starting to feel a little lightheaded, so I stopped hitting the vape pen. I had already taken two edible cookies from the bag and eaten them. I was worried that the vape hits and the edibles would catch up to me at the same time. By the end of the concert, I could barely keep my eyes open. The edibles and the vape pen made me really stoned. I’m glad that I didn’t have to drive home after using the recreational cannabis supplies. I never could have made it all the way home before crashing into a wall or a guard rail.
Marijuana products

Finding a needle in a haystack would be easier

It doesn’t have any odor or smell and the terpenes can be added back to the product after the process

After my girlfriend moved to a recreational marijuana state, we went to a dispensary and tried a product called RSO. The budtender told us about the product and recommended it when we asked for something to help with back and neck pain. RSO or Rick Simpson Oil is a highly concentrated form of cannabis that is used for pain relief. RSO is not found everywhere, and it can be a tricky product to locate. Most cannabis shops sell edible RSO products, but it is very difficult to find RSO that is for dabbing or vapable. Sometimes it seems like finding a needle in a haystack would be easier. We haven’t been able to locate any vapable RSO products in the last 3 months. The two of us have looked in ten different cannabis shops. My girlfriend and I have visited nearly every single cannabis shop in the county and a few places that aren’t local. We did find some vapable distillate, which is almost as nice as RSO though. Distillate is a form of concentrate extracted from the Cannabis sativa plant. Distillate is extracted from the plant using extreme heat or a cold press instead of chemicals like butane. It doesn’t have any odor or smell and the terpenes can be added back to the product after the process. This means that the distillate concentrate can have a variety of different flavors. Any terpenes added to the distillate will give it flavor and depth. I don’t mind settling for distillate when we can’t find any RSO products at the cannabis shop.
Cannabis products

The difference between indica and sativa is prominent

I used to buy all of my cannabis supplies from a street dealer.

It was the only way to obtain cannabis and I was using it everyday for medical reasons.

Even though several states that bordered my own had legal medical and recreational Cannabis, the region where I was living was still intolerant to cannabis use. When I purchased cannabis supplies from a street dealer, it was difficult to find the right information about every strain. Even though my guy said it was Northern Lights, it may have actually been some dream. The only way you can know for certain what type of strain you are getting is to purchase your marijuana supplies at a dispensary. The difference between indica and sativa is prominent. Indica strains are best used at night, because they are very relaxing and the dative. Sativa strains are best used during the day, when you want energy, focus, or creativity. Using a sativa strain at night is counterproductive, the same way that using an Indica strain during the day would be a disaster. That’s why it is very important to purchase medical and recreational marijuana supplies from a reputable dealer or license dispensary. Each one of the strains is tested for potency and every box contains the amount of THC, Total cannabinoids, and the date when the batch was harvested. It’s easy to know exactly what medicine you are using. It’s also much easier to reproduce the effects if you find something that works well. I know which strains work best for me and those are the ones I buy from the weed shop.



Marijuana delivery

I hate when things go wrong

I have zero patience.

I know it is an extreme fault, but I get aggravated and annoyed so easily.

I try not to take it out on the kids, but at work everything makes me feel stressed out. I started working at a new cannabis shop last year. I like the job alot and the hours are flexible. That is helpful, because I have two small children at home. My children always come first, even when work doesn’t want me to stay home. Last week, my daughter was sick and I decided to stay home with her all day. We had a sale on vape pen supplies and cartridges and it was a busy day. When the boss called and I wasn’t there, she immediately called my cell phone and demanded an explanation. I told my boss that my daughter was sick and I planned to stay home with her the rest of the day. My boss asked if we were still having a sale at the cannabis shop. I told my boss that I had every confidence that my assistant manager could handle the sale on cannabis supplies. After I hung up the phone with my boss, I called the marijuana dispensary. It was busier than usual due to the sale, but just as I suspected, my assistant manager had everything under control. She told me not to worry and insisted that I stay home with my daughter. I give up nearly every free weekend to the job and expecting me to give up my children when they are sick is an insane request.


Purple cannabis

I found a reason to stay home that weekend

My friends and I had the perfect weekend planned.

Jake’s older brother was in town and he was going to buy recreational marijuana for us.

We aren’t 21 yet, so we can’t legally buy recreational weed. Jonah can and he offered to get us some pre rolled marijuana joints on Friday night. Of course, we had to buy marijuana for him as well since he was going to pick it up. Then my mom came home Friday after work and said surprise. She was taking everyone to the lake that weekend to go camping. I didn’t want to go camping, when I was planning to hang out with my friends and get high with recreational cannabis. I had to come up with something fast, but I didn’t know what my mom would believe. I decided to fake having food poisoning. At first, my mom insisted that she take me to the ER. Then I told her that it was probably just something I ate for lunch. I told her the tuna salad was probably going bad. She didn’t want to leave me at the house alone, but both of my brothers wanted to go camping. My mom agreed to let me stay home, but she said she would call every hour to make sure I was feeling okay. When my friends arrived with the recreational marijuana, we smoked an entire marijuana joint. My friends and I were passed out on the living room floor when my mom came walking through the door later that night. She felt bad for leaving me home alone with a stomach ache and decided to return early from the lake.

New marijuana products