The surgery went well, but I have a lot of pain

When I was a kid, I liked to go outside and play in the yard.

I was always hanging out by the creek or playing in the woods behind the house.

My mom would yell when it was time for me to come home but I usually spent the rest of my day outside. I had a couple of friends nearby and sometimes we went walking in the creek. It wasn’t a very massive or fast moving creek, but the rocks were covered with moss and the water was about knee deep. One afternoon, I was playing with my friends and I fell into a hole. My leg got stuck between two rocks. When I tried to pull out my leg, it started cutting on the jagged rocks under it. I could feel the pain and the pressure. I told my friends to run to my house for help. I had to go to the ER that day for stitches and a broken leg. The doctor had to put my leg back together because the rock damage was severe. Since that day, I have endured excruciating pain in my leg every single day. I had surgery to correct some problems, but I still have to use marijuana every day to deal with the pain. I use a 5mg edible in the morning and another 5mg edible in the afternoon. The medical marijuana edibles help keep the throbbing pain at bay. I got medical marijuana about 2 years ago. I’ve been able to dose with 5 mg edibles for a while, but recently the pain has started getting worse again.

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It was really busy at the dispensary on Saturday

I serviced customer after customer and my feet were tired

Saturday was a very busy day at the dispensary and I had to work an 8 hour shift. I usually only work 4 hours on Saturday, but I switched shifts with one of my friends. I was supposed to work for hours on Sunday, but I wanted to go to church with my boyfriend and his family. I offered to switch with a friend that had a Saturday afternoon shift and that meant eight long hours at the dispensary on my feet, paying attention to customers. On Saturdays we have several different specials at the marijuana dispensary. On Saturdays we have buy two and get one half price on all products in the store. You can mix and match concentrates, marijuana flower, edibles, tinctures, and accessories. The lowest priced item is always half price. On Saturdays we also offer a penny pre-roll for every $30 the customer spends. Even if you are a first-time customer with a 50% off special, you still get to buy a house pre-roll for a penny for every $30 that you spend. This Saturday special has been going on since before I started working at the marijuana dispensary. It’s one reason why that store is always so busy. During the first 4 hours of my shift I never left that counter. I serviced customer after customer and my feet were tired. When I finally had the opportunity to sit down and put my feet up for a couple of minutes, I fell asleep and almost forgot to clock in on time. Thank goodness a coworker noticed it was time for me to punch the clock.

recreational cannabis

We spent the day fishing and talking about life

I definitely didn’t think that my brother-in-law was into smoking marijuana.

My friends and I go fishing every Saturday morning. I bought a kayak a couple of months ago and I added some really nice fishing gear to the sides. I have lots of room for my tackle box and a couple of poles. When I get out on the river I have a lot of room to fish and I still have everything that I need right at my disposal. My friends couldn’t go fishing with me last Saturday so I asked my brother-in-law if he wanted to join me. My sister was absolutely ecstatic when I called to see if he wanted to go fishing. My sister has been bugging me to ask him to go with my friends and I for a while, but I haven’t invited the guy for a couple of reasons. He is not exactly like me. The guy prefers video games, talking about computers, and electronics. I don’t know anything at all about those things because I spend all of my time outside. I really didn’t think that we would have much in common. I definitely didn’t think that my brother-in-law was into smoking marijuana. The day that we went fishing, I decided to smoke in my truck before we arrived. My truck must have smelled like marijuana because my brother-in-law said something about the smell of reefer in the truck. I asked the guy if he smoked and he said yes, but not to tell my sister. We spent the rest of the day fishing, talking about life, and getting really high on recreational marijuana.

recreational marijuana

The doctor said my pain levels would decrease

When I was much younger, I played a lot of sports.

In college, the coach wanted me to inject steroids into my knees so I could run faster and play harder.

I didn’t know that there was anything wrong with that until 10 years later when my knees could no longer support my body. I had to get both of them replaced. Since then I have been in a lot of pain. Getting both of my knees replaced means that I can walk again, but I still have a great deal of pain. After the surgery, the doctor told me that I could qualify for medical marijuana. Medical marijuana was still new to the area but the doctor had a friend that would be able to write me a prescription. The doctor urged me to meet with his friend. I read a lot of information about medical marijuana and I really didn’t know if it was the right decision for me. I waited a couple of months until I finally made my decision. I was in pain and I didn’t think that anything could make it worse. I also didn’t think that anything would be able to make the pain better. The doctor said that my pain levels would decrease if I use medical marijuana and he was correct. I have much more flexibility and less swelling in my knee. I have less pain in my back and I generally feel less anxiety, worry, and fear. I sleep better at night as well and that is something that I did not expect. I haven’t slept well in years.


recreational marijuana store

Indica strains are great for sleeping and pain relief

I have a lot of trouble sleeping at night because of the pain that I feel in my legs and my knees.

I often have restless legs and neuropathy and that makes it hard for me to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time.

I talked to the doctor about different ways to help the pain and I have tried a number of different exercises. I have also tried meditation, over the counter pain medications, and relaxation exercises. Cannabis is something that has been helpful when everything else hasn’t worked. Cannabis is very helpful when it comes to pain relief and as many as 80% of users report feeling an improvement in sleep patterns when using cannabis regularly. My doctor suggested using cannabis and I didn’t know if I would be able to use cannabis at my job. I spoke with someone in human resources and the woman said that she could flag my personal information so I was not randomly drug tested. I didn’t know that the company could do that and I was happy that I asked. I wasn’t going to get a prescription for medical cannabis because I didn’t want to lose my job and knowing that it was safe made me feel a lot better. I’ve managed to find some really helpful Indica strains that are great for sleeping and pain relief. Northern Lights is definitely a great night time sleeping aid as suggested by the name. Northern Lights puts me out at night. It helps treat my insomnia, pain, and muscle spasms. I also prefer granddaddy purple, but the dispensary near me hardly ever carries that strain.

recreational cannabis store near me

420 is a great time to stock up on cannabis

April 20th is a great time of the year to stock up on cannabis.

I try to save up all my money in April and not spend a lot on things that I don’t need so I have a lot of extra money on April 20th.

420 has been known across the world as a holiday for people that smoke marijuana. There are lots of different sales and specials at all of the local dispensaries, especially for people living in states with legal laws. I live in a state that has recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries and every one of the places around here has a sale. I’ve been looking at all of the different online advertisements but a lot of the places don’t really put out a lot of information until the day of the sale. I would really like to get as much free stuff as possible. Last year my friends and I went down south where there are a lot more marijuana shops. We stayed overnight in a hotel and we were only a few blocks away from the dispensary in town with the best prices. We got a lot of free stuff because we happened to be in the right place at the right time and we even saved a ton of money with a lot of buy one and get one free specials. 420 is definitely the best time of the year. They don’t even have deals this good on Christmas. I’m really hopeful to find some live resin concentrates on sale. They normally cost a lot of money, but BOGO would make them much more affordable.


recreational pot dispensary near me

I managed to find a fantastic deal on marijuana not too long ago

I had to run a bunch of errands relatively recently.

One thing that was on my list was heading down to the medical plus recreational marijuana dispensary.

The dispensary near me has a reasonable amount of fantastic deals on products. They have a special every Friday that includes getting a penny pre-roll for every $40 spent, then you can get a penny pre-roll even if you take advantage of other specials and sales. The penny pre-roll is an added bonus that is only available on Fridays though. I went to the laundromat plus I washed plus dried four loads of clothing including shoes, blankets, jackets, plus pet beds. I spent a good portion of my morning at the laundromat, however everything was washed, dried, plus folded neatly when I was done. I also went to the pharmacy to get a couple of different prescriptions. I looked at the medical plus recreational marijuana dispensary menu online to see if anything looked wonderful. I saw a couple of pre-rolls that were new to me so I decided to go to the dispensary. There was a line of people waiting to go inside of the store. I did not mind very much waiting for a fantastic deal on marijuana. When I got into the dispensary, I found out that they were having a pretty excellent clearance sale. They had a list of items that were on clearance. If you purchased an item from the list, you got to pick up two items from the grab bin. I purchased a gram of marijuana concentrate from the list plus I ended up with two free items from the grab bin. One was a package of live resin edibles plus the other free item was a gram of marijuana flower.



recreational marijuana store

I tend to feel energized plus ready for the morning when I use sativa strains

Sativa strains can feel like a shot of b12 or an energy drink.

  • Sativa strains are known for creating an energizing plus absolutely positive effect.

I thoroughly appreciate using sativa strains when I am going to be spending my morning doing fun outdoor activities like hiking, boating, swimming or surfing. I also like to use sativa strains when I need to be creative for a project at work. Marijuana stimulates my body, my mind plus my artistic side. There are lots of fantastic sativa streams on the market you can discover. One of my number one sativa strains is Durban poison. It is an absolutely pure sativa strain, and durban Poison makes me feel sincerely creative plus energetic. It tastes very similar to grapefruits plus has a certainly sweet plus pungent stink. Another one of my number one marijuana strains is sour diesel. Sour Diesel is especially fast acting, however it is only 60% sativa. It absolutely makes me feel more exhausted compared to using Durban poison. Still, I thoroughly enjoy the sweet lemony stink plus taste. Blue dream is another one of the most wonderful sativa strains. It is perfect for outdoor growing plus can yield up to 30 oz in one crop season. Blue Dream is a 68% sativa dominant strain. It has a very nice lemon plus berry scent plus flavor. These three sativa strains are my number ones at the moment plus they are available at any cannabis dispensary near me. These strains are available at a dispensary near you also. If you cannot find them available inside of the store or online, you need to contact the store plus ask for a budtender.

recreational cannabis store

We smoked a pretty good amount of quality weed in the shower

Before marijuana was legalized for medical plus recreational use, it wasn’t completely easy to smoke marijuana wherever you happened to be.

Hotels were the worst for certain.

I went to a hotel one time plus I stinked like marijuana. The guy at the front desk was telling me that any small hint of marijuana in the room would carry a $300 cleaning charge. There was no way that I was going to rest outside in the middle of the night to smoke. It was only 12° outside that night plus there was snow on the ground. I decided to test the theory at the hotel. I went into the lavatory plus I started the shower until the whole lavatory was filling up with steam. I turned on the fan in the lavatory plus I lit up a joint. I blew the smoke into the exhaust fan in the lavatory. I also decided to strategically place a wet towel under the door so the stink would stay in one area. When I was done smoking in the lavatory, I sprayed a special deodorizer that is said to eliminate all smells including tobacco plus marijuana stink. No one ever caught me smoking in the lavatory that night plus I never got a charge either. The next time my good pals plus I went anywhere, my pals and I smoked in the lavatory once more. Unluckily, this time the stink ended up in the room next to all of us. There was a knock on the door when my good pals plus I were still in the shower choosing to smoke more marijuana. My pals and I got into trouble plus the hotel supervisor threatened to kick us out of the room that night.

recreational pot

It was easier than I thought to order marijuana online

When I was attending school, it was a major pain in the butt to find someone that sold marijuana.

I had to ask around plus completely hope that I did not ask the wrong person.

When I eventually came across a genuine dealer, the guy charged outrageous prices. At one point I was paying as much as $20 per gram or $60 per eighth. I had to pay the price that the guy was asking for because it was the only location to buy marijuana on campus. Now that marijuana has been legalized for recreational plus medical use, it’s pretty easy to buy the products these days. Marijuana dispensaries have a number of different products like concentrates, dried marijuana flower, edibles, tinctures, plus even cannabis infused beverages. It’s actually self-explanatory to order marijuana online as long as you have a laptop available to check the websites. The marijuana dispensary lists all of their items online plus it is self-explanatory to add everything you want to the cart. They add all of the taxes plus fees to the total so you know exactly how much the order is going to be. The location only accepts money so I have to make sure to use the ATM whenever I plan to order from the cannabis shop. After you decide to place an order, the delivery team brings your products in no time. I’ve never had trouble getting my items delivered right to my front door. There are a few marijuana shops close by that supply everything that I need plus some of them have specials as well. Occasionally I can get a quarter ounce for only $40.


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