I have a really good relationship with the budtenders exact cannabis dispensary that I frequently go to, but I’ve been using medical marijuana for a year! There are only a few dispensaries in this small town where I live.
One of those places has really fantastic prices, but they hardly ever have anything in stock. The other dispensary doesn’t have great prices, but they always have a wide selection of cannabis flower and concentrate products. I went to the dispensary a couple of days ago and it was freezing and rainy outside. My hands were hurting a great deal due to the arthritis I have. I was rubbing my hands a great deal while talking to the budtender, she suggested a topical ointment for the pain in my hands. The topical appointment was a mix of CBD and THC. I really didn’t think that topical ointment would help, so I didn’t ask a lot of questions when the bartender made the suggestion. When she offered to give me a free sample, I didn’t say no. She put a small amount of the ointment in my hand and told me to rub it into my skin, and after 5 or 10 minutes, I swear I could feel the CBD and THC rub now working. My hands started to look and feel much more limber. I was still in the dispensary looking at edible products when I noticed the relaxed feeling in my hands. I decided to buy the topical ointment and the other products in my shopping cart. If a small amount worked that well, I was excited to see if a larger amount could help the pain in my knees.