It went around the track three or four before it started to slow down, and Jack won a free t-shirt from the cannabis dispensary, however I won a $50 gift card to use in the store on any purchase
I drove past the parking lot of the medical marijuana clinic on Monday and the place was packed, most of the time there were one or two cars in the parking lot, however the lot was filled with cars! I saw food trucks in the parking lot by the medical marijuana dispensary. After I got home from work, I went online to see if there was any information on the medical marijuana dispensary website, and there was a big banner on the front page of the website. The dispensary was celebrating their one-year birthday. They had free giveaways and lots of food, fun, as well as prizes. I called a friend of mine that has a medical marijuana card and I told him about the celebration going on at the dispensary by my apartment, and he came to the house about an hour later and picked me up. The two of us went to the dispensary to check out the action, however while we were there, all of us got to spin a prize wheel. There were lots of different prizes on the wheel including free marijuana supplies, paraphernalia, t-shirts, hats, and discounts on the products in the store, everyone was a winner. My friend spun the wheel really hard. I thought it was going to come off that pedestal. It went around the track three or four before it started to slow down, and Jack won a free t-shirt from the cannabis dispensary, however I won a $50 gift card to use in the store on any purchase. I used the $50 gift card to buy a gram of live resin cannabis concentrate.