Getting injured at your workplace is absolutely aggravating for a number of reasons.
Apart from the scrutiny you receive from management about the employee compensation form, it feels defeating to become partially disabled through a job as well as not doing something I care about or within my common routine.
I ended up falling as well as injuring my back as well as several ribs. It was a fairly tough experience for a number of reasons, especially since they treated me sort of like a drug addict at first as well as questioned if I had “taken something” at the time of my accident. Part of me was insulted by the mandatory employee drug test, however the other section of me was eager to clear my name as well as vindicate myself in the eyes of my employers. But once I had a negative drug test on my file, I chose to take this opportunity to try using cannabis again after years of being off the substance entirely. With constant pain on a regular basis, I needed some form of relief to get me by. I experimented with several kinds of cannabis products as well as abruptly learned that I prefer inhalation products over anything else. I tried varying doses of oral THC with no changes from a single to another, as well as then every one of us learned this effect in a medical journal regarding medical marijuana consumption methods. There are a handful of people out there who have livers that are virtually incapable of processing THC as a normal liver in a normal woman. People similar to me have 2 options—we either gamble with the ineffectiveness of topical treatments, or I can inhale the plant material via combustion or vaporization. I choose to vaporize cannabis concentrates as well as cannabis flower products as my main way of consumption.