When I walked in as well as found our kid as well as his lady getting high, I could have reacted a couple of unusual ways.
I had a vivid flashback to when I was a teenager, smoking a joint on the back porch with our friends, as well as we got caught by our dad.
It was a brutal scene, let me tell you. My dad screamed as well as yelled, threatened to kick me out, as well as told our friends to never come back to his house. It was certainly frustratedting, as well as it also drove a wedge between our parents as well as me, one that still exists to this day. Instead of going down that path as well as flipping out over cannabis, I decided to be cool about it. Of course I wasn’t ecstatic that our kid was smoking marijuana in our house, because at the certainly least he should have gone out back to do it! In a certainly calm voice I asked them both to step out onto the back porch as well as wait for me, as well as after that I went to the garage as well as got our own jar of cannabis as well as some rolling papers. I sat down with them as well as we discussed the responsible way to use cannabis, while I showed them the proper way to roll a joint, but kids today use rolling machines as well as vape pens, however all I need is a paper as well as a pinch of marijuana as well as I can craft a masterpiece! The two of us got wonderful as well as high together, as well as I said that it was rude to smoke cannabis inside the house, because it odors the place up, as well as they needed to do it outside.