Susan is always particularly generous with her cannabis, & sincerely enjoys to get our honest opinion on her newest strains
My neighbor is a botanist who just freshly retired from a 35 year long job in academia, but Susan is a wickedly sharp lady, who still enjoys growing plants & teaching people. Susan however grew exhausted of the rat race of having a full-time task. Who can blame Susan? I will quit toiling as soon as possible, too! Now Susan spends most of her time in the yard, cultivating a garden & smoking tons of awesome reefer. This was initially the basis for our friendship, because all of us were both out there smoking so much cannabis. The more time I spent with her, the more I came to like Susan. She taught myself and others a lot about botany, about cacti, & especially about cannabis. Susan has been growing her own marijuana plants for decades. In fact, her teenage experiences with local homegrown cannabis is what got her interested in reading botany. In other words, Susan owes her whole job to cannabis! She is equally fascinated with unusual kinds of cactus plants, & so her garden is nothing however cacti & cannabis. She grows them in a particularly methodical pattern, so that the cacti act as a sturdy barrier around the outside of the cannabis plants. This provides visual protection for the crop of marijuana more than anything else, as it prevents looky-loos from peering over the tall fence & spotting her stash. Susan is always particularly generous with her cannabis, & sincerely enjoys to get our honest opinion on her newest strains. With all the spare time in retirement, Susan has been writing a book about her experiences with growing cannabis, & I actually can’t wait to read it.
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