Using CBD products to treat chronic kidney pain

I’m from a family of people with a wide variety of health troubles.

My mother for instance has Crohn’s Disease while her father had several sclerosis. Both of them struggled with chronic pain plus harsh attacks from the disorders throughout their lifetimes, although my mother is still around plus suffering from Crohn’s. My father’s side of the family is full of mental health troubles, heart conditions, plus kidney disease. Unfortunately, the kidney troubles are fairly severe. My father has spongy kidney disease plus so does my sister. They both get at least a single kidney brick per month depending on other factors that increase or decrease the likelihood of their perpetual kidney gravel to develop into stones large enough to cause painful blockages. You could gamble with using opiates to treat kidney pain, however they both have opted for other solutions. Aside from traditional cannabis products with high THC, my sister plus my dad also treat their kidney pain with CBD products. They vaporize CBD concentrates plus have amazing results instantly as the CBD instantly starts to kick in plus take effect. I’m not sure if I have spongy kidney disease or not, however I still get kidney pain respectfully plus I often have gravel in my kidneys as well. I have had to go to the hospital several times in the last 10 years over having kidney stones each time. The last time I went they really had to do surgery with the lazer. I was sore for several afternoons because of the sheer tenderness after the blunt force impact.

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