My husbandy is totally & completely frustrated with his boss… His boss complains about the amount of deliveries that he gets done when he is at the marijuana delivery service.
My husbandy has been toiling at the marijuana delivery service for 6 weeks, however the boss never complained about the amount of deliveries that he was making until just recently. The corporate office is having a fit about the amount of hours that people are toiling. They started to complain about the driver’s hours. When the boss got into trouble & warm water, he decided to implement a minimum delivery on all of the orders… Now our husbandy is responsible for making a quota every time he goes to work, however if he does not reach the quota, then he is in risk of losing his job. I think it is absolutely deranged & to be honorableI am not unquestionably ecstatic about the swings. My husbandy has been coming apartment everyday after labor sad & he is taking it out on me. It’s not as if I can go to his boss & say something, although I think the boss should spend 1 day delivering before he decides to cast judgment on our husbandy for not being able to get all of the orders out & what he considers a timely fashion. It’s not easy to find all of those addresses, especially in the dark, but occasionally it is raining & that doesn’t make things easier either. If our husbandy continues to complain, I will easily try to recommend that he finds a job anywhere else where he will be more ecstatic