When I decided to try cannabis I knew I wanted to smoke it… I am not interested in concentrates or edibles.
I wanted something that I could grab, light and go; A bunch of friends of mine are cannabis users; They only used flower form.
They had joints, bongs, hookahs and pipes that I was able to try. I realized that the process of lighting the flower was kind of a pain. I didn’t care about having loose cannabis or a rolled joint around. It just seemed care about a lot of work; You need the ashtray and lighter with you as well. I wanted something more portable. I then realized that I could smoke cannabis oil. All I needed was a vape and the cartridge I was going to smoke. You load it, hit the button that heats the oil and then inhale. Viola, you have a perfect instrument to smoke cannabis with. It is cleaner, neater and faster. Also the oil heats up so overheated you aren’t getting those carcinogens in your system either. It is a healthier way to smoke as well. I unquestionably care about that the vape is easy to carry. I can wear it on a lanyard around our neck. I can stuff it in a pocket. I even have stored it by a tree outside a concert venue before. I then picked it up after the show and was able to vape. I only need one item in order to smoke our recreational cannabis. I don’t think why anyone would go the flower route with cannabis.