There are a number of marijuana dispensaries in the area and many of these places offered delivery services. There are also several marijuana dispensaries outside of the city that offer delivery services too. Many of these places will not deliver all the way to my home. They will meet me halfway if I am willing to drive a few miles. Last week my friend Jack and I decided to place an order with the delivery service. We met the guy at the bridge and we waited there until he arrived. The bridge marks the county line between this county and the one to the north. The marijuana delivery service will only deliver to the county line. The bridge is the best place to meet because it is a landmark that everyone knows. Jack and I waited at the bridge for almost a half an hour. We didn’t leave our apartment until we received the text message that the marijuana delivery driver was on the way. Then we hopped into the car and headed out to the bridge. We smoked a marijuana joint while we waited for the driver. It was a cold day and there was some steam coming off of the water. The driver finally arrived and gave us our package of items. We tipped the guy well and he disappeared back into the city while we headed in the opposite direction. The delivery driver brought all of the items that we ordered online and we got a free pre-roll and a free piece of edible candy with our order too.
cannabis candy products