Thanks to weather conditions change, hurricanes are more deadly than ever before. I remember 20 years ago, when hurricane season arrived everyone was uneasy about wind injure. The intense winds of a hurricane can knock over trees & pluck the roofs off of houses, and however, for new hurricanes, all of us have to worry more about the storm surge than the wind. The storm surge is the sizable tsunami-like wall of water the hurricanes push onto shore, then during this last hurricane the storm surge reached 15 feet, & wiped out a whole area of our seaside community! Most troubling for me personally was the injure of the local medical cannabis dispensary, which has left me in a panic. This was the only legal medical cannabis shop within 20 miles of my house. Since I don’t have a car, only a bicycle, it was the only place I could go to get medical cannabis, & now I don’t think what to do! I decided to just walk over to see the remains of the medical cannabis shop for myself. It was a ghastly sight, the building was in ruins, but it was also unattended so I decided to go inside & see if any medical cannabis had been left untouched by the storm. It was severely dangerous to go inside the injured building, although I was desperate to secure some medical cannabis so I took the risk. Sadly I found no medical cannabis left inside, although for my complications I did cut my arm open on a nail & get tetanus, not exactly what I was after.