I ate more than one edible marijuana candy and I still did not think any relief after an fourth.
Walking long distances causes me a host of physical concerns. I have a single leg that is considerably shorter than the other leg so walking has always been certainly tough for me. If I walk a long distance, I usually develop pain for various days afterward. I have more than one child and they both are just now going to elementary school. I try not to let them down when they need me for activities like school meetings and field trips. There was a field trip to the zoo Last year and my child wanted me to act as a chaperone. I knew that I was going to be in some pain after walking through the zoo all afternoon, although I signed up to go with my son. I had my child with me and various other teens in my group. All of us walked around the zoo all afternoon. I looked at the step counter on my Apple watch and it said that I had walked 2 miles that afternoon. When I finally got home later that afternoon, I decided to take a couple of edible marijuana candies. I ate more than one edible marijuana candy and I still did not think any relief after an fourth. I rolled up some dried marijuana buds into a paper and I went outside on the back porch to smoke the marijuana joint before the kids returned home from school. After walking 2 miles, I certainly needed to get high and enjoy some relief. Thankfully, the dried marijuana flower worked out much better than the edible marijuana hard candies. I felt relief almost instantly after smoking the marijuana flower and I was still certainly relaxed and painless when the kids returned home from school that afternoon.