Cannabis helps with insomnia

Ever since the start of menopause, I’ve struggled with insomnia.

The sleepless nights are absolutely awful.

No matter how tired I am, I lie in bed with no hope of falling asleep. I’ve tried limiting screen time before bed, drinking herbal teas, taking a warm bath and spraying my pillow with a lavender sleep spray. I’ve invested into room-darkening blinds, a noise machine and a new mattress, pillows and sheets. On those nights when I can’t fall asleep, I get so bored and frustrated that I sometimes get up and clean my house, workout or read a book. I then feel completely exhausted the following morning. I struggle to get through the workday. My productivity and mood suffer. My eyes water, my throat hurts and I typically have a headache. I am unwilling to take prescription or over-the-counter sleeping pills. I don’t want to risk harmful side-effects. I was delighted when cannabis was finally legalized in my state. I now have access to plant-based medicine. I’m able to shop at the dispensary for dried flower, pre-rolls, vapes, tinctures, topicals, concentrates, edibles and beverages. There are an abundance of indica and hybrid strains that work to relax, soothe and help with sleep. Because of the long-lasting effects, I’ve found that edibles work really well for me. I eat a single gummy right before getting ready for bed, and I fall asleep quickly and easily. I also tend to stay asleep. I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. I am totally clear-headed. I’m having fewer issues with sore joints and muscles and enjoying a much better outlook.
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