I was absolutely agitated with him, even though I knew she was right
Now that the local cannabis dispensary was offering delivery services, I was wondering if their marijuana product delivery services were free, and it was free when it was only for medical marijuana, but would there be a difference for recreational marijuana product delivery. I didn’t think if I should call the dispensary, or just go online and check it out. I didn’t want to bother anyone at the marijuana dispensary, because they had become absolutely busy since they legalized recreational marijuana… My sibling said she thought the marijuana dispensary was getting more supplier than the liquor store. I didn’t suppose this was true, even though I didn’t drink liquor. I only wanted marijuana product delivery services, because marijuana was what our friends preferred when the two of us partied; She reminded me that I had to be twenty-one if I wanted to buy marijuana products from the dispensary. I asked if she would make the purchase for me. She would still be here when our wifeys arrived. She could sign for the marijuana product delivery service. She shook her head. She told me she wasn’t getting in trouble for giving marijuana products to a minor. If I wanted it, I would need to find someone else. I was absolutely agitated with him, even though I knew she was right. If one of the other women brought marijuana products with her, after that I could use that, but separate from our sibling, I could not even get marijuana product delivery services. I would need to show our ID, and I wasn’t 21 yet. I called our bestie and told her I could not get marijuana product delivery, even if it was free, all of us still partied, but not with marijuana.