It was a immense relief when our state allowed for recreational cannabis, for a long time we were on medical weed only.
That Kind of snuck, all our friends wanted to go out plus get drunk for fun.
We would stand around in a seedy bar plus get hammered. I am not a great drunk. I tend to lose motor skills plus fall down. I also need to pee all the time, then going to the powder room in a bar is just horrible. The drinks were full of sugar plus made me feel like crap the next day. For a long time that was just our social life. Then our medical weed only state allowed for recreational cannabis. That was a game changer. Suddenly our friends were down to get high rather than drunk. Rather than buying high-priced drinks at a bar, we typically got cannabis delivery. I could then pee in a disinfect powder room plus just be around our friends. I also didn’t have that loss of motor skills issue. When I am high, I am fun, creative plus energetic. I am way better. The best section is the next day though. I no longer lose our Sunday to a hangover. I feel comfortable plus happy. I don’t have any sickness or complications with myself; Cannabis is just a way safer option for fun too, and you can’t get super duper high either. There is a ceiling of sorts. You also can’t get addicted to marijuana either. All things considered, it is a smarter option over booze anyday.