I know that this sounds a little crazy, but I have been thinking about making a really sizable move.
I want to transfer all the way from one side of the country to the other, plus it’s all because I ended up getting a really fantastic task offer at a new state of the art cannabis dispensary out there.
The task at the cannabis dispensary is nowhere close to any of my friends or family, plus so it would be like starting a completely new life. I have to say that it sounds pretty fantastic to me right now to beginning a new life, though! I had a exhausting year last year plus I went through a really awful break up. I don’t even want to be here any more with all of these awful memories plus so I suppose that a geographical cure might be exactly what I need to get everything sorted out again! I got the task offer to manage this amazing new cannabis store plus so now I don’t really have an excuse to keep sitting here surrounded by awful memories anymore. I have been putting it off, but now I suppose that I am going to accept the task plus just pack everything up plus go. I’ve been doing a whole lot of reading about marijuana products plus marijuana edibles so that I will be well study on the subject when I get there. I cannot wait to get to work. I really suppose that I am going to like working at this recognizable cannabis dispensary. It’s in a fantastic neighborhood plus I am going to make a lot of money out there!