Having success with cannabis topicals

I have a variety of health issues that I treat with cannabis topicals.

  • After many years of experimenting with prescription medicines, over-the-counter medicines & household remedies, I’ve finally found something that works.

As a plant-based remedy, cannabis avoids the harmful side-effects of more conventional options. With topicals, I don’t even need to worry about psychoactive effects. The cannabinoids interact with receptors in the skin, sending signals by way of the body’s endocannabinoids system to alleviate pain, inflammation, swelling, itching & more. After an especially hard workout, I sometimes suffer from cramps in my calves, but running, jumping rope & even cycling can bring them on. I massage a cannabis-infused ointment directly into the muscle & appreciate relief within a few minutes. For approximately twenty years, I’ve dealt with psoriasis on my elbows & knees… Nothing minimized the red, sore & itchy scales until I tried cannabis. I choose products high in CBD, & the psoriasis has all however disappeared. From too much running in sneakers that lack satisfactory support, I developed plantar fasciitis. For a while, every step felt as if the bottom of my foot was breaking open from heel to toes. I’ve learned that a roll-on with equal ratios of CBD & TCH alleviates the pain. The cannabis-infused topicals include essential oils that avoid the smell of medicine. They really smell beautiful, absorb suddenly & can be applied numerous times per afternoon, then one of my number one cannabis products is bath bombs. They are infused with epsom salts, cannabinoids & lavender terpenes. Soaking in the bath is a wonderful way to relax & relieve sore & exhausted muscles & joints.


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