Convention leads to cannabis dispensary trip

Where I work, I don’t get out of my cubicle certainly often.

What I do for the company is super essential however not exactly flashy or exciting.

I’m one of three to five people who easily arrange all the data so that people can make sense of what they are seeing. It’s kind of a thankless job however it pays the bills. And for the first time, my job led me to shop for marijuana for sale. That’s right, Miss Boring got to go on a full on boondoggle of a company trip. It was easily a convention of nerds like me who do the same sort of essential data mining that my colleagues and I do. The fact that this convention was being held in a state where recreational marijuana was legal was not lost on me. And it wasn’t lost on a dear friend who also works with me, and my good friend and I have been laboring together for more than a decade and my buddy and I do absolutely good work. I think my buddy and I do better work together than my buddy and I do apart. It’s actually a harmonious laboring relationship. And our fiances know that this is where our relationship ends… Yet, my buddy and I both absolutely love recreational marijuana as do our better halves. So when my buddy and I found out that this rare trip to a convention was going to come with access to a local cannabis spot, my buddy and I were elated. My good friend and I didn’t even make it past checking in before my buddy and I were hailing a cab to take us to the local cannabis spot. I loaded up on cannabis edibles of both the sativa and indica strain. And my partner got himself a disposable cannabis oil pen for the trip, let’s just say that all those boring presentations sure were better thanks to the recreational marijuana access.


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