My friends and I work at the marijuana dispensary on the north side of the bridge. The marijuana dispensary has been open since 2019, when the state legalized recreational and medical marijuana use. My friends got hired to work at the marijuana shop first and then I got a job too. All of us have been working together for more than a year. Sometimes we get the same weekend off together so we can hang out and do fun stuff like go to the beach and have a picnic. There is a really nice area near the beach where there are picnic tables and access to the inlet. The water is very calm here and it is the perfect place to go kayak fishing. There’s always fish in the water, but there aren’t waves like there actually are at the ocean and beach access points. My friends and I went to the beach last saturday. We decided to have a barbecue. We found a place near a pavilion and there was a huge barbecue outside of the seating area. We had burgers and chicken to place on the grill. We smoked a marijuana joint before cooking and then we put burgers and chicken on the grill. I really prefer burgers to chicken, but both of the proteins smelled really good cooking over the charcoal. I prefer to use charcoal instead of gas, because I like the way that charcoal adds flavor to anything on the grill. Burgers, fish, or steak can all be charred nicely on the grill with charcoal.